West Kalimantan Regional Police Headquarters Seriously Handles Cases of Extortion by Sintang Police Officers of Residents


Serious action regarding complaints from residents who were victims of extortion by members of the Sintang Police received serious attention

Head of Propam, West Kalimantan Regional Police, KBP Yudi Arkara, SIK. MH, through a summons and examination carried out by the West Kalimantan Regional Police Headquarters, which to date has concluded from the results of the examination that it is true that there has been a criminal act of extortion committed by members of the Sintang Police and their Chief of Police against a resident.

After the investigation process has been carried out at Paminal, this case will still be processed at Watprof, filing will be carried out and later there will be a professional Code of Ethics trial for the National Police personnel.

Regarding personnel decisions that violate the police professional code of ethics, of course the decision will be made referring to Perpol no. 7 of 2022 concerning the professional code of ethics and the KKEP commission. Thereafter there will be a closed hearing for members and will be carried out in a measured and professional manner without anything being hidden (Rusman Haspian)

​Editor : mit. 

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